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McIntosh Co. Real Estate Info

Commission Board

Meeting Notice

April 9, 2025 at 9:15 am

View Meeting Minutes



Carol Fey, Recorder/Clerk of Court (left)

Eva Becker, Deputy Recorder (right)


Phone: 288-5150

Fax: 701-288-3671

Mailing Address:               Street Address:
PO Box 179                           112 1st St. NE
Ashley, ND 58413               Ashley, ND
Business Hours: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
                             1:00 pm - 4:30 pm
                             Monday - Friday

The County Recorders office is one of the offices formally organized by the Constitutional Convention of 1889, and in some counties existed as part of the Territorial Offices.  County Recorder officers are elected to four-year terms which begin January 1.
The information filed and recorded in the recorders office is used by the auditor, treasurer, commissioners and other county officials, along with the general public and business entities. The real estate record is the basis for the auditor's assessment rolls and the tax collection process of the treasurer.


NOTE: Please call ahead before coming to have your application processed.

  • In order to have your application mailed out on the day it is processed, you must apply by 12:00 noon.

  • To download a passport application and information on traveling go to and for questions about your passport contact the National Passport Information Center at 1-877-487-2778 or email at

  • Video tutorial on how to apply for a child's passport Click Here.

  • US Passport Fees - (Effective 6/28/2024)
  • Passport Processing Times (Effective 11/6/2023)
  • Routine Service: 7-10 weeks,   Expedited Service: 3-5 weeks

 If you will be in the Recorders Office for research, we ask that you use hand sanitizer.  Thank you


NDRIN - North Dakota Recorders Information Network – Since April, 2011 all recorded documents are sent to NDRIN and are available to view and purchase copies.  There is a subscription fee and a copy fee.  You can access NDRIN at


Click for more InformationClick for more Information




Property Fraud Alert is an online subscription service offered to the public that allows them to have their name monitored within the Recorder's office in order to track possible fraudulent recordings that affects their property.  While Property Fraud Alert does not prevent fraud from happening; it provides an early warning system for property owners to take appropriate actions should they determine possible fraudulent activity has taken place. Click on the link for more information


PFA Specialist Peter Ollis spoke with Missy Hanson, Burleigh County Recorder and Chair of NDRIN, or North Dakota Recorders Information Network. "We as the Recorders Association have wanted to be proactive in being able to get this sort of system in line with the recent property fraud that's been going on... You don't think in little old North Dakota things like that will happen but it has happened, and we are very excited to get [Property Fraud Alert] out there and get people to use it."


Run on or paragraph style legal descriptions are not acceptable for recording and will be rejected.                                                    

Please list each section on a separate line.


Township 131 North, Range 68 West of the Fifth Principal Meridian

Section 24:  E2NW4

Section 28:  NW4



McIntosh County Recorder’s office is now accepting electronically transmitted documents. Below are the current vendors for McIntosh County.





Corporation Service Company